fulham exotic gardens


fulham exotic gardens

contact Henrietta on 07711 652992

fulham exotic gardens

fulham exotic gardens fulham exotic gardens fulham exotic gardens


Tropical Fulham exotic gardens

The cosmopolitan nature of London lends itself to these tropical exotic Fulham gardens. Also to a diverse range of cultural and planting styles. The clients of both this exotic Fulham garden and a tropical Little Venice garden wanted architectural foliage.

Bamboos, bananas, palms, cordylines form the structure against softer smaller perennials. A long rill enhances the verdant nature of a jungly garden. Also it relates to the canals of Little Venice nearby. The garden has an emphasis of texture, form, shape and movement in its planting. Its colours being restricted largely to different greens.  Eastern pots and doors complete a very exotic picture too.

The other garden here has accents of strong colour throughout the seasons. This client really wanted to experiment. Blazing yellows, fiery reds, powerful pinks.  Bamboo fencing is cost effective, visually soft and an excellent foil for tropical plants. So here we have textural plum grey chippings against smooth stone and feathery grasses.


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